Is your order not quite what you expected? Returns can be made free of charge via a DHL Service Point within the 30-day cooling-off period. Make sure that the item remains in an excellent condition. Only unused and undamaged items can be returned. Returns take place in 4 steps:
Step 1: Fill in the return form
Fill in your order number and contact details on the return form provided. Indicate what you want to return and choose a return code per item.
Step 2. Pack your return
Use the original packaging and close it properly. Stick the enclosed return sticker on the packaging.
Please note! We provide one return label free of charge for returning items from your order. If you've already used this label but would like to return an item at a later time, you can easily do so via a carrier near you. You will simply need to cover the standard shipping costs.
Step 3. Hand over your parcel to DHL
Return the parcel free of charge to a DHL Service Point near you.
Step 4. Processing returns
Once your return has been processed, we will refund the money or adjust the outstanding invoice within 3-5 working days.